
Dec 13, 2014

Voodoo Cryx - Dr. Death

Hello gentlepersons of the internet, today we're going to be discussing my slowly growing alternate army, Cryx. As you know, I like my armies to have a unique feel. I thought long and hard about what to do with my Cryx while still keeping them close to their badass origins. I chose to center my Cryx forces around the dark and mysterious concept of Voodoo. I'm still working on the details and color choices, but some suggestions may be required.

Like all good things, It starts with a Deathjack.
Despite initially knowing nothing about Cryx, It became apparent that Deathjack was too good to ignore. He was my first purchase and probably the only one I ever needed. His stats, point cost, and shear volume of abilities place him in the rankings for best Jack in the game. Like some coked out Frankenstein, I decided to rip him apart, mash pieces together, and reassemble him into my version of a voodoo-machine gone wrong (or right?). The result is a model that will represent my entire army as the Papa of Voodoo himself, my Witch Doctor Deathjack:

Now you may be thinking, "Wait a golly gosh darn minute! Deathjack has 2 open fists, not some shaman magic stick!"Fear not! Years of conversions that some find "distracting" has led me to consider alternative design features. Because of this, Deathjack features a magnetic wrist section for snapping between full-on voodoo badassery and hilariously massive robot hand.

So If you're anything like those hard-ass tournament junkies that can't appreciate someone's creativity in a hobby that encourages it, now you too can enjoy what I've created.

You'll notice that I've stripped away some of Deathjack's original design features. The most obvious of which is the head. While Deathjack's head is awesome in it's own right, I wanted something that screamed Voodoo. The resulting design was taken from an old GW Warriors of Chaos standard I had lying around tweaked with some extra bits. 
A lot of traditional tribal voodoo mask feature skulls and feathers. Since feathers would look kind of silly on a robot, I decided to go with iron protrusions reminiscent of feathers instead.
I included more chains throughout the model as ornamentation  similar to old bone charms and jewelry worn by tribal Witch Doctors. I decided against including one of Deathjack's signature pieces, the so-called "skulls of hate" which originally come in the form of 2 cartoonish skull shoulder pads that I did not care for. I chucked these out and replaced them with my interpretation of "skulls of hate," a ritualistic pile of skulls topped with candles. To me, this tells a better story and immerses the model in my Voodoo world.
Skulls of Hate (Actual hate sold separately)
Another of Deathjack's staples are his 2 spouting exhaust funnels of death and  his massive shoulder-neck-plate-crest-majigger (if unfamiliar with this scientific term, reference Deathjack image at top of post). I've completely fucked with these pieces and i'm prepared to get some hate for it, but I wouldn't hack apart a $55 model if I didn't think it would look decent. I moved the massive neck-plate to his back providing a shell-like feature that helps bulk him up in the back where he needs it, and less on his shoulders that are already huge. Moving this piece exposes a fine piece of detail that most probably don't even know Deathjack has- A SPINE! Once I discovered this design feature, I knew I couldn't cover it up.
I ended up moving almost all the pieces designed to go around his neck to the back, providing him with some extra protection back there. I choose to attribute this design choice to his 360* front arc. Since his ass is now well armored, he can't easily get stabbed in the back by bad guys (or good guys. or girls. or other giant flailing demon robots).You'll also notice I shrunk his 2 massive smokestacks down to 1 moderately sized exhaust pipe. With fewer emissions, Deathjack can focus more on murdering his enemies and less on murdering the environment. What a good guy.
Deathjack: Now made from 70% recycled demon souls!
So there you have it my friends, Voodoo DJ. I still have A few things I want to mess around with before he's complete but I can't start painting him until I nail down my paint scheme. If you guys have any painting suggestions, I would genuinely appreciate it. That's all for now, stay tuned!

Dec 8, 2014

Ridin' Solo

What's up Internet?? In my absence from the blog, I've made some pretty good progress painting up my Cygnar army. I fancy myself a bit of a slow painter as I would rather hit all the details on one model than have a whole unit of half-assed dudes. I know this is not the most efficient way to paint an entire army, but homie don't play by the rulez. Because each model gets my personal attention, I tend to gravitate towards painting up my solos first. So here they are, in various stages of doneness.

Gun Mage Captain Adept a.k.a Il Duce (Boondock Saints anyone?). Model-wise, he still needs some final touches and a painted base, but he's at least picture ready. Game-wise, this guy is badass. High RAT, awesome DEF and he gets a sick list of sweet attack types that are all awesome in their own right. Arc Precision lets him keep up with the rest of your favorite gun-toting mages and coupled with phantom seeker, no target is safe. I've only played with him a couple times, but he functions pretty well at removing other pesky solos (yeah im talkin' to you Eiryss!).
Here comes the boom!

Oh look at that! a Wild Eiryss appeared! I know, I know, this silly lady isn't quite "Cygnar" but lets face it, she weasels her way into most factions if you let her. She gets around ;) ;) wink ;) Ok, Enough of that. Here's the model, yo. 
Dear lord, please excuse her face. I plan on cleaning up the skin tones later (don't hit me!)
Backside [moar winks ;) ;)]

Lightinin' Pod! "Geez what's with this guy? First a model that's not even Cygnar, now one that's not even a solo!" Ok, so this post should have been called "Miscellaneous Doodads" but, referencing a terrible club tune from 4 years ago seemed fitting for some reason? I'm terribly sorry. forgive me. but I've gone too far... I saw these lightning pods and immediately thought i had to do something creative with them. A Buoy just seemed so fitting. The water looks messy because it's still unfinished. I have to add the highlights to the wave tips to give them dimension and make the waves appear as though they are crashing against the pod. And before you go all science on my ass, I warned them not to put a giant lightning rod in the ocean. They didn't listen.
This next guy is quickly earning himself promotions left and fucking right (and a few purple hearts along the way. whoops!). The Stormblade Captain has easily become one of my favorite solos in the Cygnar arsenal. Weapon master?! (Yes please!) with reach?! (Hot damn.) relentless charge and quick work have proven super useful as well. This guy keeps giving and giving, and THEN he gives even more to friendly storm knights. I fought off the need for merc infantry for a long time, so finally having that little bit of synergy to make my Cygnar units work allowed me to build some really fluffy lists and still be viable. (silver line stormguard, zomg.) This dude is quite simply a badass. I even gave him some colorful little ribbons and the like just in case you had any doubts.

Well that's all the time we have for today! Tune in next time for more craaaaaaazy updates! (Spoiler alert: Stormblade Captain will still be the baddest of the asses).

Back From the Deep!

After a long hiatus and a move half way across the country, I'm happy to say that I am breaking my silence! Despite what it may seem, I've actually made quite a bit of headway in the hobby front, but haven't had much time to post about it. Now, enough of the nonsense. Onto the models!

First up is my monster of a project, Dr. Stormwallis. He's undergone a bit of a color transformation but there is still much left to do. His base has taken on some color and once i get his legs fully painted, I'll begin the water effects securing his leg to the ocean.

Doesn't look like much yet, but it will blend nicely with the added water effects.
I'm starting from the legs up since I'll need to plant the legs before adding the water effects. All painting right now is done only as a base coat and all weathering, shading, and washing will be added afterwards.

Hand and anchor pieces (all magnetized) with a bit o' paint.
When I assemble everything I've got painted up so far, he starts to look a bit more like what I had originally envisioned. My towering behemoth takes his first steps on dry land!

"Get over here!!"
And so, Dr. Stormwallis looks on into the future where a full coat of paint and an ocean of water effects await him. Fear not, this project is very much alive and well and I should be updating more frequently now that I'm settled into my new Texas home!

Feb 13, 2014

Overdue Updates

The Titanic model has been in display quality for quite some time now but I haven't updated the blog in a while! allow me to show the Titanic in its current state. While there is still much more work to do, it finally at least looks like a completely model. For now the model is still in several pieces, which will eventually get glued together, so the minor gaps in the model will be fixed later.

Comparison shots for good measure...

All in all, some of the accuracy was difficult to achieve due to my limited resources and, in some cases, lack of historical record. Either way, I'm pretty happy with the way it's turned out so far. The rest of the work mainly lies in the display base, which is mostly staining wood and painting details, but I need access to home depot before I finish any of that. Stay tuned! :)