
Sep 2, 2012

A Knee-t Little Trick

One thing plaguing all robot like models since the dawn of time... LACK OF BENDY KNEES! seriously... check out this Khador Kodiak jack:
He's got squatty knees. WOW! SO DYNAMIC!
Or this Tau Battlesuit:
Man! Hope he doesn't have to tie his shoes!

 Without the ability to separately pose the legs, these models lose the war on dynamic posing (a war that, to me, is more important than the battle on the actual tabletop). You need cool looking models, people! otherwise, we would just be playing our wargames with pieces of paper and crayons.

So  my stormwall needed bendy knees. This meant an enormous undertaking, having to remove both halves of the leg without compromising the leg itself. I decided to cut along the area shown below:
The fruits of my hour or so of delicate xacto sawing...
Step 2 was to shave down all the crap still left in the joint.
once the joint was relatively smoothed out, It was time to ensure that the piston "achilles tendon" would align properly with my leg adjustments. This required hacking off the bit altogether and shortening the piston as it would be if the heel was retracted and leg was bent.
The end result represents and entirely retracted piston, allowing enough headroom to fit the bent thigh section in. The next step was to grind out the square holes in the hip connection to allow for free rotation while I found the proper angle to prop the leg up. This was then glued in place with the other leg resulting in the torso piece as shown
Dr. Stormwallis was now clearly ready for a base on which to perch himself!

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